Special Offer for “Mastering Web Attacks with Full-Stack Exploitation” Training — get 3 for the Price of 1
The DeepSec training Bug Hunting Millionaire: Mastering Web Attacks with Full-Stack Exploitation by Dawid Czagan has some seats left. Dawid has agreed to give away free access to two of his online courses for everyone booking tickets until Wednesday, 21 November 2018 (2359 CET). This gives you a perfect preparation for penetration testing, software development, and an edge for any bug bounty programmes out there. You can get a glimpse of the online trainings, well, online of course.
Every penetration test and every attempt to defend your own assets can’t do without knowledge of web technologies. Since the Web has evolved from being simple HTML content, you absolutely have to know about all layers modern web applications use. The training will give you the means to understand what’s going on, to find bugs, and to align your defence with the threats being thrown against you.
Originally published at .